
Numera has been active in the electronic payments market for over 35 years

spreading digital payments to reduce the production of banknotes and coins.

These activities are carried out in compliance with the ethical principles set out in the regulatory code it has adopted.

The Company pays particular attention to its employees and the needs associated with their families, promoting welfare programmes

In this way we try to make our contribution to the diffusion of culture and digital inclusion among our employees and in the communities in which we operate


Discover Numera's actions for the Good Life project for All

Economic Partnership

Numera supports EGOS XNUMX Colloquium and Good Life for All as an economic sponsor in the common vision of achieving the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Thanks to the participation in the Project Good Life for All Numera contributes to the achievement of these Goals of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development