LABMET | Metropolitan Lab for Innovationis the new urban development agency of the territory: a digital and physical place of sharing and solving urban issues of the Metropolitan City of Cagliari which adheres to the principles of open government and translates projects and ideas into concrete actions. 

The activity of the Lab is divided into three connected and integrated areas:  Observatory, Research, Participation. 

The Observatory, the first pillar of LABMET, promotes and manages collective activitiesincluding the selection, organization, and sharing of data and information on the territory and urban spaces of the Metropolitan City.   

The second pillar of LABMET is the activity of Research on good practices and on the virtuous experiences to put in place to build solid foundations for the new Urban Agency. 

Third pillar of LABMET is theParticipation, collaboration and training in relation to urban policies and urban and territorial planning and programming. This activity uses a public digital platform 

The LABMET project | Metropolitan Innovation Laboratory was awarded the first prize in the awards ceremony of the PA Sustainable 2023 in the category Participation and Active Citizenship conferred by FORUM PA 2023 in association with ASviS – Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development. 

Through a public consultation on LABMET platform citizens, businesses and institutions will be involved to promote sustainable and inclusive initiatives with a view to GOOD LIFE for All.


Discover LABMET's actions for the Project Good Life for All


Research and Data Collection on the theme of the Good Life for All


Dissemination and promotion of Good Life issues for All


Public Participation Initiatives on the Good Life for All


Thanks to the participation in the Project Good Life for All LabMet contributes to the achievement of these Goals of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development