
From the Kentos ovens of Orroli, central-southern Sardinia, the bread from the organic wheat chain "Cappelli", traceable, ethical, innovative, tasty, long-lived, identifying, biodiverse.
Kentos is totally Green, with exclusive production of bakery products with organic durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", a delicate variety, with low yield, but with excellent nutritional qualities and produced without genetic, chemical or radioactive irradiation interventions.
Un pure, healthy and certified BIO wheat grown in the family for generations and cold ground with volcanic stone millstones, which guarantee a process capable of safeguarding the nutritional properties of the product, differentiating it from industrial-type productions.

The most notable aspect of KENTOS bread lies in the use of traditional natural sourdough, the so-called "frammentu", with a very slow leavening. Handed down from mother to daughter and renewed day by day, su fragmentu expresses in an ancient gesture the value and memory of over three hundred years of workmanship, a product that totally identifies an ancient land. KENTOS bread is a zero km product, certified BIO, provided with a nutritional table, suitable for long storage times. Kentos is socially sustainable: each player in the supply chain has the right economic remuneration and works five days a week, respecting rest days to better reconcile work with family responsibilities. The company is based on gender equality and inclusion.
Kentos respects the environment: to guarantee clean and renewable energy we have equipped our laboratory with photovoltaic panels and installed some smoke suppressants which guarantee low CO2 emissions.
Discover Kentos' actions for the Project Good Life for All

Product tasting
During the Opening event of the EGOS 0 Colloquium, Kentos will offer a tasting of its green products at km XNUMX.
Thanks to the participation in the Project Good Life for All Kentos contributes to the achievement of these Goals of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development