The Fo.Re.STAS regional agency's mission is the implementation of programs in the forestry-environmental field.

The Agency's mission includes the development and enhancement of the forest and wildlife heritage of the regional territory, as well as the creation and dissemination of a culture that contemplates the naturalistic, historical and cultural values ​​of Sardinia.
These objectives, extremely topical in the new natural environment management policies, embrace a very vast field of themes.

In FOREST AREA, the objectives pursued, are therefore aimed at the sustainable management of the forests, through works of hydraulic-forestry arrangement and reforestation aimed at guaranteeing their usability and protection.
In this context, the activity of prevention and fight against fires assumes enormous importance, a phenomenon which in our Island assumes impressive dimensions, and against which the Region annually concentrates a conspicuous part of its human and logistic resources.

In WILDLIFE AREA the objectives are aimed at preserving the native populations at risk of extinction: the study and experimentation, also in the context of LIFE projects and various other international cooperations, play a key role in the conservation of the heritage as well as the breeding of the species to be destined restocking and health management of wild animals, both from a therapeutic and disease control point of view, implemented by the Agency through the Centers for Breeding and Recovery of Wild Fauna (CARFS) where the Agency's veterinarians operate.

The forest and the landscape thus become a resource capable of guaranteeing the maintenance of lively and dynamic rural areas, developing their economy and enhancing their specific resources. In this regard, the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) provides for coherent, global and integrated rural development policies, which take into account the variety of needs of the rural world, the expectations of current society and environmental imperatives.


Discover the actions of Fo.Re.STAS for the Good Life project for All

Exhibition of essences of the Mediterranean Flora

At the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari

Information meeting

On biodiversity and sustainability in urban areas


Thanks to the participation in the Project Good Life for All Fo.Re.STAS contributes to the achievement of these Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development