Fondazione di Sardegna

The Foundation pursues purposes of public interest and social utility. In particular, it promotes the socio-economic development of the Sardinia Region, also by taking stakes in banking and financial companies operating in the area. Normally it operates within the regional borders but, exceptionally, it can extend its operations outside them and also abroad. It pursues its goals, within pre-established sectors of intervention, through the assignment of contributions or loans to projects and initiatives of others, or through the promotion of its own projects and initiatives, also in collaboration with other subjects.
In line with the regulation on the environment and social impact, the Foundation has recently embarked on a path aimed at pursuing its mission through the systematic integration of investment selection criteria inspired by sustainability values, in order to align financial and philanthropic goals.

Discover the actions of Fondazione di Sardegna for the Project Good Life for All

Economic Partnership
Fondazione di Sardegna supports EGOS XNUMX Colloquium and the Project Good Life for All as an economic sponsor in the common vision of achieving the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Thanks to the participation in the Project Good Life for All Fondazione di Sardegna contributes to the achievement of these Goals of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development